What is favicon?? Favicon is actually the symbol that appears in the left-most area of the addrees bar.

Here are the steps to add a favicon to your blog:

1. Download a “ready made” favicon from these sites:
2. Go to: Icon J's favicon generator
3. Select Anonymous Favicon Hosting.
4. Choose your favicon and upload it.
5. Once finish, two options will come up:
6. Copy the HTML code given in the Direct Link method.
7. Go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML > Tick expand widget template.
8. Click CTRL+F, and search for the code:

9. Paste the HTML code you copied from Icon J's in Step 6 and paste it above the <HEAD/> code.
10. Click Preview.
11. Save your template once satisfied.

Notes: Don't forget to backup your template first before doing this..Do not hesitate to leave a comment if you are facing any problem...Gud Luck!!...=)